Writing (by date)


Writing (by date)


“How treating exercise as play time helped me turn fitness into a life-long habit” | Stylist Magazine

A new study has found that school kids are less active than ever – and that’s something many will have to deal with as they get older. For gym lovers like Alice Porter, exercise is a chance to play again.

Public speaking: how to give speeches and address big groups of people | Stylist Magazine

Nervous about speaking in front of a group of people? Nova Reid, an activist and TED speaker, gives her expert advice on how to become confident at public speaking.

Main character syndrome: 3 women who are rejecting the social media trend | Stylist Magazine

Main Character Syndrome is taking over social media but, for some women, being a ‘supporting character’ is a far more fulfilling way to live. We spoke to three women who are rejecting Main Character Syndrome about how it has benefitted them.

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