My Life on 35mm Film #2 | A Valentines Staycation, Sunny February Days and London Fashion Week

It’s been too long since I’ve shared a blog post dedicated to film photography but I’ve finally got round to it today! I love shooting film but I sometimes fall out of the habit, mostly because it’s expensive and sometimes, usually in the winter, my life just isn’t that interesting. But I am going to try and make these posts a monthly thing, at least, if my budget allows!

The photos in this post were mostly taken throughout February, which was intense in terms of university work but also a really good month. The sun appeared out of nowhere and although it was undoubtedly bad for the planet, it improved my mental wellbeing so much and I’ve been feeling so positive ever since. Sam and I also stayed at the Lock & Key Hotel in Liverpool for a Valentines staycation night and ordered burgers off Deliveroo, which was really nice and relaxing. On top of this, most excitingly, I attended fashion week for the first time ever! I was invited to help out backstage at the Nabil Nayal show and, as you’ll be able to see in these photos, the collection was beautiful and it was such a cool experience. So, on top of a whole lot of university work, I managed to pack a fair bit into February! Here’s some photos to prove it…

My Life on Film #2
My Life on Film Photography #2
What I’m usually wearing when I work from home. I know, those socks are chic.

What I’m usually wearing when I work from home. I know, those socks are chic.

Half of these books are yet to be read (by me)- that’s my task for this year.

Half of these books are yet to be read (by me)- that’s my task for this year.

My Life on Film #2
Didn’t take us long to mess up the room (note: the sheer amount of food)

Didn’t take us long to mess up the room (note: the sheer amount of food)

My Life on Film #2
My Life on Film #2
My Life on Film #2
My Life on Film #2
City of Light Display @ Sefton Park

City of Light Display @ Sefton Park

My Life on Film #2
The flash on my camera ruins all mirror photos :/

The flash on my camera ruins all mirror photos :/

My Life on Film #2
And the flash ruins another mirror selfie. Take my word for it, this charity shop blazer is great.

And the flash ruins another mirror selfie. Take my word for it, this charity shop blazer is great.

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